All Xi
All Xi is a performance art piece inspired by the vulgar Cantonese language (Xi actually means shit in Cantonese which also happens to be the last name of the president of Communist China). The artist imitates the appearance of the ‘patriotic community’ who are for hire by the pro-establishment camp. He wore by a red hat, black sun glasses, and face masks to disguise his identity. He interacts with the police, anti-establishment protesters, as well as the real pro-Beijing protesters, creating humorous and surrealistic scene alone the way. Provoking everyone in the July 1st rally to reflect about the phenomenon of hired protesters as well as the recent Xi Jinping recent Hong Kong visit frenzy.
All Xi 行為藝術作品靈感來自粗俗褻瀆的示威文化及語言,透過模仿出租的臨時愛國社團人士外形,頭帶紅帽、黑眼鏡、及口罩,手持語帶相關的英文標語,插入七一大遊行的隊伍之中,與真正出租的愛國、建制、保皇人士產生互動,引發出幽默荒謬的超現實場景,讓公眾反思專權黨國從大陸及香港運入被收買的民眾充當演員,上演愛國、愛黨的種種醜陋怪誕現象。
42 cm x 59.4 cm signage, sun glasses, red hats, and face mask
July 1st, 2017