Black Cop Candle 黑警蠟燭
This sculpture was inspired by the Hong Kong Police Force abusive use of power and police violence is on the rise due to political reason in Hong Kong. Among all the different types of violence, fire is one of the most interesting element. It can bring warmth and light but at the same time destroy. After the candle was lit up, the figure of the police sculpture melts away, triggering the viewer to think about the relationship between perpetrators (government) and victims (citizen).
這件作品的靈感來自香港警察在政治因素影響之下,濫用權力的街頭暴力事件不斷增加。 各種暴力之中,火應該是最有趣的元素,它可以帶來溫暖和光明,也同時可以破壞。 蠟燭被火燃點之後焚燒,把暴力警察的雕塑形態溶掉,讓觀眾去思考施暴者 (政府) 與被施暴者 (市民) 的各種關係。
Casted wax & string
36 cm (H) x 16.5 cm (W) x 16 cm (D)