Brain Washing Machine 洗腦機器
‘Brain Washing Machine’ has a spinning red light indicating the machine is on. There are four slots where you can put the "detergents", they are: Freedom, Democracy, Justice, and Conscience. This sculpture and performance protest against the government’s brain washing Moral and National Education program. I stood outside of the Central Government Offices and asked the passer-by children to save me from being brainwashed. After they pressed one of the four buttons, I would pretend I recovered a bit and the children enjoyed the interaction very much! Their parent loved the art work too and explained the meaning of Freedom, Democracy, Justice, and Conscience to their children afterward.
“洗腦機器” 配有一個紅色指示燈和四個「清潔劑」槽,分別是:自由,民主,正義和良知。這個行為藝術是要求政府撤回德育及國民教育科。我站在中區政府合署外,向路過的孩子求救,避免政府洗我腦。當他們按下其中按鈕,我會假裝復原,頭腦清醒起來。孩子們很喜歡跟我的互動,玩得很開心。父母也可用這機會給孩子講解自由,民主,正義和良知的意義。
Cardboard & siren
July 29th, 2012 @ Protest against moral and national education