Choi Gor 財哥
Choi Gor, a middle age Gangster from the old world who is passionate about righteous. The moral of the society is deteriorating quickly around him but he did not progress with time, still holding on to the big principles he learnt from classical martial arts novels and old cowboy movies, until one day everything he believed in collapsed in front of him: violent police beating pregnant woman, beating old people, beating students, beating young children, beating innocent citizens, the value of the old-world justice vanished without a trace! How can one fight his way out in this new but darker world? What is justice? How should one choose? This is the story of Choi Gor.
財哥,一個有情有義,忠肝義膽的舊世界黑道人物。社會急速敗壞,但是他沒有隨著時代去所謂「進步」,仍然抱著他的關二哥、武俠小說、西部牛仔電影大道理原則去做人,直至他所相信的一切正面臨決堤式崩潰: 暴力警察毆打孕婦、打老人家、打學生、打孩子。7.21元朗鄉黑在黑警迴避下打無辜市民。舊世界的道義已蕩然無存!生在舊世界的黑人物角色究竟要怎做,才能在更黑暗的新世界裡殺出一條血路?什麼才是黑道中的道亦有道?做人應該怎樣去選擇?這就是財哥的故事。
July 27, 2019