Ghost Recon 幽靈搜索隊
A soldier in the battlefield searching for the enemy for a long period of time, at the end he finally found one that looks exactly like himself lying unconsciously on the ground, he woke the soldier up, forming an endless loop of search. The artist dressed up like a soldier from Republic of China (Taiwan) and recorded this video on the roof of the 182 Gallery in Taichung. The inspiration of the colourful hexagon shaped pillars came from the concrete wave breakers dotted the defensive coastline of Taiwan and it represents cities. This video explores the emotions of fear, excitement, hatred, and the feeling of lost generated from hostility of war between Taiwan and China.
一個軍人在戰場尋找敵人找了很久, 最後他終於找到一個和他長得一模一樣的敵人倒臥在地上, 他走上前把他叫醒, 就這樣形成一個不斷重複搜索的循環。 藝術家穿上台灣軍隊的軍服在台中「 182 藝術空間」天台拍攝這錄像。彩色的六角形柱子靈感來自台灣國防海岸的破浪堤象徵著城市。錄像探討台灣與中國長期處於敵對戰爭狀態所帶來的情感: 恐懼、 緊張、 憎恨、 與迷失。
Director: Eric Wong
Camera: Kin Chan
Body Double: Chen Cheng-Chieh
Venue: 182 Artspace, Tainan,Taiwan
Supports: Roxana & William Chan