HK to CN 香港往中國
The Hong Kong Civil Human Rights Front launched a public demonstration against the Extradition Law Amendment Bill on April 28th of 2019, urging the citizens of Hong Kong to vanguard the city while it is still free. The artist created the mobile prison artwork entitled “HK to CN”, implying “Extradition Law is only one way, from Hong Kong to China, there’s no escape.” He foresees the future of Hongkonger will be in exile for the next ten years. On the day of the demonstration the artist and his friend dressed up like policemen from China, equipped with plastic baton, handcuffs, and whip to ‘receive’ the protestors.
香港民間人權陣線2019年4月28日發起反修訂《逃犯條例》大遊行,呼籲市民上街保衞我城。藝術家創作出「HK to CN」(香港往中國),喻意「逃犯條例是單程,只有由香港去中國」。不幸預視了未來十年港人流亡海外的下場。遊行當天,藝術家和友人穿上猶如中國公安的制服,還準備了警棍、手銬和皮鞭等「招呼」示威人士。大量好奇的香港市民還跑進監獄裏體驗和拍照。
April 28, 2019