Hong Kongese Warning Squad 香港人警告部隊
The concept of ‘Hong Kongese Warning Squad’ came from the plastic banners of the Hong Kong Police Force. Before police execute violence, they will wave the flag: “Stop Charging or We Use Force”. A movable ‘red’ line and it is quite ridiculous. When we met the policemen during protest we decided to take some photographs with them, to ‘exchange’ a bit. The police turned away; maybe they still have some sense of shame. When nearby protestors saw this, they all clapped their hands. A photograph of the ‘Hong Kongese Warning Squad’ was posted on Apple Daily’s web page and attracted 15,000 likes! This is actually very sad since the Hong Kong Police was paid by tax payer to protect the citizens but they were transformed into a tool of suppression and execute the law selectively. I wish the Hong Kong Police would perform back their true duty, be a good civil servant and safeguard the citizens of Hong Kong.
「香港人警告部隊」的創作靈感來自警方使用暴力前展示的旗:「警告!我們將會使用暴力!」 旗子是一條可移動的警界線。這作品是批評、反映這件荒謬事。示威遊行時,我們遇到了真正的警察,打開五支旗看看他們怎樣反應。但他們選擇了逃避,看見的市民全部以掌聲回應他們對警察的不滿。 「香港人警告部隊」的相片在《蘋果》網頁得到了一萬五千個Like! 其實很悲哀,由納稅人給錢警察保護香港市民,到頭來他們却變成了一個政治打壓工具,選擇性執法。希望他們能做回一個真正男子漢,捍衛香港精神。
July 1st, 2014