In Dire Straits
香港正處於政治困局 ,大量抗爭者奮不顧身地為了自由、公義獻出血汗,甚至寶貴的生命。在水深火熱的關頭要打破困局,就要把自己一切的力量,集中投進抗爭中,勝負未知,已盡力,無悔。
Hong Kong is in the middle of political chaos. Protesters are devoting their hearts and minds, sometimes even their lives, to fight for freedom and justice. In this challenging situation, one must commit all his/her strengths into the struggle. We persist, then there is hope. Outcome unknown, we keep going. No regrets.
19cm L x 19cm W x 21.5cm
Rapid prototype, cast resin