Anti-Police Commissioner, Anti-Violence Protest 反禿鷹反暴力大遊行
When the Vice-Premier of People’s Republic of China Li Keqiang visited Hong Kong in August 2011, the Hong Kong Police cracked down on ordinary citizens, protesters, and journalists. One extreme example was a Laguna City resident in a “June 4th” protest T-shirt was taken away by officers in black suit. Commissioner of Police Andy Tsang Wai-hung subsequently said the resident had entered a ‘core security zone’, he was taken away to keep Vice-Premier Li ‘safe’. A cameraman from the press tried to record was also blocked by policeman. Andy Tsang later argued at Legislative Council that the police saw a ‘black shadow’ and tried to block it but found his hand ‘caught’ by the camera… The general public found the Commissioner of Police not trust worthy and felt he is being abusive of his power. My protest work is a vulture image which is the nickname of Mr Andy Tsang. Supplemented by the text: Secret Police, Fearful! Lying Commissioner, Shameful!
李克強副總理於2011年8月訪問香港,警方粗暴對待示威者,記者甚至普通市民。其中一個極端例子,一名身穿「六四」T恤的麗港城居民由黑色西裝人員抬走。警務處長曾偉雄隨後表示該居民進入了「核心保安區」,為保護副總理「安全」須被帶走。又有一名身穿黑色背心男人用手遮擋記者攝錄機鏡頭,曾偉雄在立法會解釋時說黑衣警員眼見有「黑影」掠過,不知道對方為記者,其手更「卡」在攝錄機。市民覺得警務處處長說法不符合事實,不值得信賴,警方涉嫌濫用權力。我的抗議牌是一隻禿鷹,配以三行字句: 秘密警察,可怕!處長謊話,可恥!降格公安,可悲!
Signage & plastic pole
September 3rd, 2011
Anti-Commissioner of Police, Anti-Violence Protest, HK