Bullet Blocking Praxinoscope
The inspiration of this artwork came from the action of a Hong Kong preacher who jumped out in front of the police pistol in order to protect the protestors during a police gun dropping incident. The artist re-enacted the heroic preacher who used his body to block the police pistol then was kicked to the ground by the violent Hong Kong police. This mechanical animation celebrates the priest’s heroic deeds and courageous act of self-sacrifice in order to protect the others in an endless loop.
這件作品的靈感來自一個香港牧師用自己身體阻擋警察的手槍去保護抗爭者的事件。 藝術家扮演牧師用身體阻擋警槍最後慘被暴警踢倒在地上。這件機械裝置捕捉了這位英勇牧師以犧牲自我去保護其他抗爭者的英雄事蹟,像電子傳媒那樣讓這事蹟不斷地重播並永恆地讚頌它。
Photographs, turn table, & disco ball
39 cm W x 33 cm D x 38 cm H