The Horror (Installation) 恐怖事
Each day from the newspaper we can see many horrible things happening in the city. This installation transforms the forgotten public space of the city and turning its garbage into a meaningful piece of artwork. It was installed underneath the Island Eastern Corridor; the beautiful lights emanating from the city becomes its backdrop.The viewer engages the work form standing ashore with a flashlight, as if they are witnessing a crime scene with curiosity and excitement.
每天報章上都可以看到很多恐怖事在我們的城市裏發生 。此作品是一件利用城市遺忘了的空間和廢物製成的公共藝術裝置。它潛伏於東區走廊底部暗處,燦爛的都市是它的背景。像看報紙那樣觀眾站在隔離的岸邊;帶著好奇和探險的心情與這作品遇上。
Installed at Oil Street underneath the Island Eastern Corridor
Cardboard, adhesive tapes, paint, fishing wire, & glue
500 cm (L) x 60 cm (W) x 120 cm (H)