The Pinocchio 木偶奇遇號
‘The Pinocchio’ represents a lying puppet on a string controlled by someone else. There is a loud speaker in the bottom, connected to a smart phone playing a sound clip of Henry Tong Ying-yen questioning C Y Leung during a public debate. The recording was looped and played loudly: “You lied. You are lying, how come you are always lying?”
「木偶奇遇號」 象徵着一個說謊的扯線木偶。底部裝了一個揚聲器,接駁到手提電話,播放着唐唐 (唐英年) 與CY Leung (梁振英) 參與特首候選人公開辯論時的一段說話: 「你呃人!你講大話!點解你成日講大話?」
Jan 1st, 2013