The Plunder 掠奪號
‘The Plunder’ is a sculpture in the form of a battleship that can be transformed into an image of a park. The Chinese People Liberation Army (PLA) in Hong Kong attempts to steal the land of Hong Kong people to construct a naval pier. 20,000 Hong Kong citizens wrote objection letters to the Lands Department to protest against this decision; a political party also arranged a protest. After the public demonstration, I smashed the work into smithereens with a ten-pound ‘I love HK’ sledge hammer. The viewers also participated in the action. Hong Kong people should have the appropriate attitude when facing injustice; otherwise we will be bullied even more.
「掠奪號」外表是一艘戰艦,被反轉後可以改變成一個公園的影像。駐港解放軍嘗試掠奪香港人的土地興建軍事碼頭,於是有二萬位香港市民寫信去城規會反對這事,政黨也舉辦遊行表達不滿。示威後我拿著一個十磅重寫着「I love Hong Kong」的大鐵錘將「掠奪號」砸成碎片,公衆也參與一起打。反抗是應有的態度。不然,香港人便會被別人欺負得更慘。
Cardboard boxes, paint, sledgehammer
May 26th, 2013
Anti- Plunder, Defend Human Rights
Embrace Seashore Action, HK