Mobility Gallery
Bullet No. 4 子彈四號
This bicycle is based on a popular bicycle model from the 1980’s in Hong Kong. It is a type of small bicycle frame equipped with loud sound system and high-speed gearing call The Little Bullet. The bike was wrapped by metal faring imitating real performance speed motorcycle. Portable video games, comics, lightings, and four mobile loud speakers were installed on the back. The bike is trying the express the absurdity and metaphor of the artist’s youth pretending to be an adult, similar to a small bicycle pretending to be a motorcycle.
154 cm (L) x 91 cm (W) x 113 cm (H)
The Trinity
此特製單車把80年代的三部經典 BMX 單車 (其中一部跟E.T.電影的單車一樣型號) 結合在一起, 變成一部有六個輪子的單車。 概念表達後少年時期的一種貪念,既想有伴,又想獨特,要把經典全部一次過擁有。組合在一起之後變成一種怪胎。原本跳躍自由的 BMX 單車變成不能跳躍但也不會倒下的裝置,非常適合懷念過去但又害怕跌倒的中年人。
174 x 230 x 100 cm
80’s BMX bicycles, steel
MOCA Taipei
Paddling Home 漂流家室
Paddling Home is a 4 feet x 4 feet house floating on the sea. This tiny building resembles a typical residential apartment block completed with features such as bay windows, air conditioning unit, and stainless steel gate, etc Like a paddling boat, two paddling oars can be push out from the two walls allowing the house to be slowly paddle away.The concept of this project came from the extremely expansive living condition Hong Kong where the people can only afford tiny apartment flat and have to spend their lifetime repaying the mortgage. Real estate developers only follow one successful formula that is to squeeze as much money out of the land as possible, then package it with illusive commercial selling grandeur and luxury. That is why people always say we are not working for ourselves but working for the real estate developers and the bankers instead. Paddling Home is about mobility and compact living. It questions alternative way to live in the city; it is about freedom and the search for a better place. The artist think the image of a helpless little house paddling away in a vast dangerous ocean towards the infinite shoreline is similar to using 20 to 30 years time to repay a huge mortgage loan, it is dangerous and helpless.
Wood, ceramic tiles, aluminum windows, stainless steel gate, pipes, plastic barrels
278cm (H) x 220cm (W) x 290cm (D)
M+ Rover! 敢探號!
M+ Rover! is a mobile art space bringing contemporary visual artists and their artworks into more than 50 high schools and public space in Hong Kong. The concept for this project is to have a cold metal exterior contrasting the very warm wooden interior. The material of the interior space are composed of recycle wood collected from used pallets. The spatial idea of the interior is a metaphorical whale which engulf the students and stimulating them to explore inside. This project was commissioned by M+.
Wandering Space (HOCC) 流浪太空號 (HOCC)
是為獨立歌手何韻詩 (HOCC) 而創作的流動舞台三輪車, 曾經在伊利沙伯體育館「18 種香港」演唱會中展出。設計概念來自太空船的回收艙, 三輪車的底部是長方形但頂部是圓形,結構變化細緻複雜,車頂上的透明罩可以打開,讓歌手上半身可以站出車身外表演。車身銀色鐵皮對比內部木材及綠色植物取自歌手外冷內熱的性格, 這作品也隱喻着歌手的個人遭遇,它象徵著勇氣、放逐、探索、與回歸。
Wandering Space (Camper Bike) 流浪太空號 (露營車)
流浪太空號 - 露營車
「流浪太空號 - 露營車」探索在城市內尋找野外生活的可能及荒謬性。三輪車內部設有野外短暫居住的基本設備, 例如睡床、煮食爐、儲物空間、 甚至洗手盆等。 黃國才博士曾經在香港有史以來50年最寒冷的一天,於舊「啟德機場」跑道盡頭在這露營車內生活及睡覺,過了一個狂風暴雨嚴寒的晚上,成功以身作則地測試這件作品。
260 cm (L) x 130 cm (W) x 220 cm (H)
Wandering Space (Eggette Bar) 流浪太空號 (雞蛋吧)
「流浪太空號 - 雞蛋吧」以「民間美食車」 的設計方式回應政府推行過百萬的貴價「美食車方案」,作者深入研究雞蛋仔的製作方法,改良創作出「酒味提子乾雞蛋仔」, 曾於銅鑼灣行人專用區內展出並派出 400 粒雞蛋仔給予公眾試食, 成功引起公眾討論及反思香港傳統街頭美食和小販未來的想像。
260 cm L x 130 cm W x 220 cm H
The Inspiration 靈感號
每當我突然有靈感,想到非常有趣的藝術概念時,就好像看到另一個我腦部發光,想出奇怪主意一樣。其實當人把全部精神投入思考時,就好像身處一個黑暗的Think Tank,想把意念跟其他人分享,就是希望身邊的人都看得見靈感發出的光輝。
Forever absolute loneliness II 永遠絕對空虛II號
Unbroken Corridor 無間走廊
Kacey Wong's "dream" is going to happen in a tunnel. A motor cycle which should be racing down the road is instead being held motionless by heaps of ropes. Yet the image before us tells us that the motor cycle is going forward at great speed. This baffling state actually reflects the spiritual space that has broken free from the physical state in a dream. Speeding along a highway in the night, we are pushed towards a dangerous ledge by the speed, as well as into a dreamlike state of meditation. Wong constructs a surreal dream space suing his personal codes, memories and anxieties in a collage that plies between real life and personal introspection, enabling us to experience the various delusions in the dreams and thus examine our thoughts and our dream world.
Hong Kong Heritage Museum, 2015
Independence Shooting 獨立靶場
「獨立靶場」是一件反思武裝起義,爭取自由獨立運動的幻想式藝術作品,概念建基於美國西部牛仔的開拓俠義精神, 把意大利西部牛仔電影的 Spaghetti Western 轉換成 Dim Sum Western 的幽默創作,也包含了作者身處香港政治荒誕劇困局的隱喻。 「獨立靶場」曾經在油麻地「民間美食車大匯演 II」推廣墟市節目中展出,成功吸引大量小朋友參與射擊訓練。
很久很久以前在香港島南部住了一群牛仔,他們努力工作開拓土地, 過著辛勞但安逸的生活。但自從黑色警長上任推行官、商、黑合作收地之後,牛仔們的農作物被破壞,每天過著被打壓活在死亡恐懼的陰影之下。牛仔們終於忍耐不住誓死反抗,被黑色警長通緝追殺走上逃亡之路 。逃亡的途中為籌募經費開設「獨立靶場」並遇上江湖各路英雄好漢相助,最後他們一起返回村莊,打倒黑色警長並把壞人消滅,也意外地開始了「香港島南部獨立運動」,這就是他們的故事。
The Election 選舉號
「選舉號」是為政黨「社會民主連線」主席吳文遠先生參加香港立法會競選而且創作, 作品外形直線硬朗,採用木板及金屬建造,單車外圍四邊可掛上宣傳旗幟及海報,車內裝有四個喇叭及擴音器,讓講者可以站在車身上進行演說,公眾也能在遠處見到給聽到。吳文遠先生曾經駕駛此作品到深水埗鴨寮街進行選舉拉票活動, 成功引起公眾討論及參與。
Sleepwalker 夢遊號
Every morning when I open my eyes, it is a new beginning. The bed is my point of appearance. One day when it is time to depart, the body will be resting on the bed, my point of disappearance. Someone said there is no freedom in reality; freedom could only be found in dreams. Sleepwalker is a two level metal bunk bed with a tricycle chassis, it is generated by the hyper-dense city and also part of our collective memory. Does the city creates its citizens or the city is only a dream of its citizens? The exhausted bodies is working unwillingly every night, pushing their beds, heading towards the unknown destiny.
Metal bunk bed, tricycle, metal wire, paint
192cm (L) x 80cm (W) x 190cm (H)
Famiglia Grande 顯赫家族
Famiglia Grande (Grand Family in Italian) is a group of mobile sleeping units which enable a family of 4 to live off the urban streets temporarily. All units were highly crafted and meticulously furnished borrowing aesthetic from expensive racing automobiles. The work was inspired by the highly exaggerated real estate commercials and the recent economical tsunami where many people lost their fortune overnight. The video work was shot similar in style to the real estate commercials, depicting a family who insisted on living the surrealistic lifestyle of the rich and famous despite the reality of living on the street. This project is a critique on the illusion about metropolis living. Does owning a luxurious apartment is really the equivalent of owning a happy family?
Wood, metal plate, leather, spray paint
Dimension various
Wandering Home 流浪家居
Imagine you can live anywhere, to come and go anytime as you please, scenery changes according to your need. You are a wanderer in the city, you are into the wild. Imagine, you are free. The Wanderer Home project questions our typical ways of living in Hong Kong and demands an alternative answer of living. This project springs from fantasy, imagination, and DIY construction. It questions the basic unit of urbanity which is home. It explores the idea of minimal dwelling and offers an alternative solution which intrigues us to rethink about our living condition in the city. I originally built this mobile home for myself but later discovered it can also be seen as an architectural solution for the homeless people in the city.
The floor plan dimension of this minimal mobile house is only 3 feet by 4 feet and it is constructed on top of a tricycle often seen on the streets of Mainland China. Imagine your entire lifelong procession is under the control of your feet. The Wandering Home project was selected to represent Hong Kong to participate in the 11th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, Italy in 2008. It was also featured at the Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism Architecture in Hong Kong.
Wood, metal sheet, tricycle, paint
278cm (H) x 220cm (W) x 290cm (D)
Wandering Home II 流浪家居二號
香港市民在地產商長期「洗腦式」的薰陶下,普遍認為擁有貴族式的奢華豪宅,是理想生活中不可或缺的重要部份。他們往往樂於高價購買安身之所。然而,究竟一個人需要一間面積多大的房子?「流浪家居二號」只有三呎乘四呎,附設於三輪車之上。踏著這間流動居所穿梭往來,帶給我們一種久違了的的感覺: 「千里之行始於足下」。
Wood, metal sheet, tricycle, paint
278cm (H) x 220cm (W) x 290cm (D)
Doomsday 末日號
Natural and man-made disasters killed tens of thousands of people and many more lost their home, Hong Kong being much closer to the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station than to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, maybe it is about time to reflect and address the potential risk and hazard produced by nuclear energy. Doomsday is an anti-nuclear radiation mobile living unit made of lead panels for one person, when lay flat on the ground the four solar panels could generate 15 volts of electricity for small electronic appliances. People often have blind faith towards the machine and think they could resolve all of nature’s problems. Unfortunately, this time our machines turned around and destroyed the most important life supplies in nature, polluting water, food, and the air.
Wood, lead, leather, solar panels, battery, lamps
230 cm(L) x 70cm(W) x 100cm (H)
Tin Man No. 11 大鐵人11號
Tin Man No.11 is an urban sleeping unit built on top of a moving trolley. It could be an attractive sculpture when parked on the pedestrian walkway. Standing vertically it looks like a tin robot; lying down, it transforms into a comfortable home with a bed, a desk and a chair. Tin Man No. 11 symbolizes everyone can stand up with their own two feet. Keep walking, and you will find the way.
Transform Bar 變形吧
Transform Bar is a 3 feet by 4 feet juice bar, it is constructed of recycled wood, its exterior walls are surrounded by planters with wheat grass growing on them. These planters can be push out from the main structure expanding the area of the shop when needed, also maximizing the sun light angles for the grass. The artist will be staying inside the shop blending apple juice by mixing the wheat grass that was cut by the art viewers, bringing forward the message of paying awareness to our food source and extending art appreciation to the sense of taste and consumption. Transform Bar got its inspiration from the Hong Kong street hawkers’ stalls. In order to survive, the owner of the hawkers’ stalls will push out and pull back their merchandise in different times of the day, forming a flexible system. 3 feet by 4 feet is only so big, the merchandise have to match the market demand in order to sustain a proper living, running the business also have to be flexible and legal. It could also be said that The Hong Kong way to survive is to be adoptive with the environment through transformation.
Recycled wood, wheatgrass seeds, organic soil
230cm (H) x 121(W) x 91cm (D)
Transform Bar II 變形吧二號
Transform Bar is a 3 feet by 4 feet juice bar, it is constructed of recycled wood, its exterior walls are surrounded by planters with wheat grass growing on them. These planters can be push out from the main structure expanding the area of the shop when needed, also maximizing the sun light angles for the grass. The artist will be staying inside the shop blending apple juice by mixing the wheat grass that was cut by the art viewers, bringing forward the message of paying awareness to our food source and extending art appreciation to the sense of taste and consumption. Transform Bar got its inspiration from the Hong Kong street hawkers’ stalls. In order to survive, the owner of the hawkers’ stalls will push out and pull back their merchandise in different times of the day, forming a flexible system. 3 feet by 4 feet is only so big, the merchandise have to match the market demand in order to sustain a proper living, running the business also have to be flexible and legal. It could also be said that The Hong Kong way to survive is to be adoptive with the environment through transformation.
Push trolley, recycled wood, umbrella, turn table, records, earth, mint, lime, ice, white rum, sugar, drinking glasses
Forever Absolute Loneliness 永遠絕對空虛號
When I was 14 years old, I was hanging out on the street with my bicycle gang, everyday I was pretending to be cool and want to grow up as fast as possible. Now I am 41 and finally grown, yet everyday I desire for being young again. The ‘me’ from the past cannot come to the present moment to visit myself, but the present me can search for myself in the memory. “Forever Absolute Loneliness” appears to be a bicycle with airplane wings and 80’s musical installation but it is also a private time machine, allowing me to ‘fly’ towards the past.
430cm (W) x 135cm (D) x 92cm (H)
Bicycle, aluminm pipes, adhesive tapes, speakers