6/20/2024 HK Lady Liberty
Japan Hong Kong Democracy Summit
I am honored to present the lyrics of the renowned banned song "Glory to Hong Kong" to the Japanese congress members. We sang it together at a venue within the Japanese congress, demonstrating a unified stance in support of liberty and democracy. This event signifies a significant moment in Hong Kong's quest for freedom on the global stage.
6/10/2024 Radio Free Asia
【反送中5周年】600人上街台灣人較港人多 主辦:或23條等影響
Kacey Wong's art piece depicts an individual dressing up as the Statue of Liberty in Taipei on Hong Kong Freedom Day to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Anti-Extradition Bill Amendment resistance in Hong Kong. The representation aims to ensure that the event is not forgotten.
Dec/8/2022 今周刊
Nov/7/2022 信濃每日新聞
Invited by this Japanese media to share my experience of having to leave Hong Kong as an artist in exile.
June/2/2022 Taipei Times
Attack of the Red Giants made it to the front page of Taipei Times.
April/1/2022 Mirror News 鏡新聞
黃國才:用行動藝術 保存香港人勇於對抗中共的光輝|全球聊天室
March/17/2022 《看中國》香港頻道
Personal guided tour to my Battlefield Apocalypse exhibition in Tainan.
Oct/9/2021 Photoslot TV
愛自由當代書藝聯展 Love for Freedom Calligraphy Art Festival 2021 Taipei
Aug/29/2021 Photoslot TV
Kacey Wong now in self-imposed exile in Taichung reflects on Hong Kong & his future in Taiwan
Aug/13/2021 AFP
Why a Hong Kong artist chose 'self-exile' in Taiwan
Aug/3/2021 自由時報
Sept/15/2020 RFA
Sept/11/2020 Art Discovery Channel
發問 追問 黃國才 Kacey Wong
April/21/2020 YUEN TUNG IP
Protest Art
Aug/31/2019 Apple Daily
This video featured Hong Kong artist Kacey Wong performing the biblical figure Moses during a pro-democracy rally in Hong Kong. He was holding the Five Commandments tablet which echo the demands of the Hong Kong people during the Anti-Extradition Law Movement in Hong Kong. This artwork was performed on 31st August, 2019 in Hong Kong.
Aug/20/2019 Arte
Hong Kong: Artist take to the street
Aug/3/2019 The Thing About
Art & Artists - Kacey Wong
Jan/2019 Ruizhong Magazine
Komfort auf kleinstem Raum in Hong Kong
Nov/20/2018 ADO
「最」大展藝術家專訪---林嵐及KACEY WONG
Nov/18/2018 HKFP_Live
A group of artists - including Kacey Wong - are holding a white placard "non-protest" performance in favour of free expression at art space 大館 Tai Kwun.
March/162018 U Magazine
Feb/20/2017 Apple Daily
Carnival Exhibition supporting the Amnesty International fund raising event, Apple Daily
Jan/26/2017 HK Academy Kacey Wong Interview
Dec/9/2016 HK01
Nothing that is not art, an artist who walked the street
Nov/1/2016 Ming Pao
6000 protesters marchesd in support of the missing booksellers
Oct/31/2016 HKFP
Artist Kacey Wong combines individual initiative with political sympathies
Hong Kong - A City Does Not Sleep
ARD Mediathek, SWR, Germany
Aug/2016 U Magazine
Squint meowers cure people's heart
June/18/2016 明報周刊
May/30/2016 Wing Leung Tsui
紀錄香港 民間美食車之一 雞蛋吧 | Eggette Bar Local Food Truck by Kacey Wong
Feb/25/2016 E Weekly
Eggette Bar
Feb/1/2016 Hong Kong Economic Journal
Citizen gourmet truck cost only 100 thousand dollars
Feb/1/2016 SCMP
Designer trucks give government food for thought
Jan/22/2016 U Magazine
Dwelling in Wandering Space, resisting city space
Jan/11/2016 Financial Times
HK protest over missing booksellers
Jan/11/2016 Apple Daily
6000 protesters in search of the missing
Aug/28/2015 Ming Pao
Borrowing popular cultural capital to subvert popular music industry
Aug/2015 Courier Journal
After The Umbrella Revolution
April/2015 Youth Space
When Art Become Reality
March/2015 Art Plus
Kacey Wong - Defending Hong Kong home
July/10/2014 Next Magazine
Borke the rule, for whom?
May/15/2014 Art Discover Channel
HKADC 採訪藝術鬍鬚組 Art Mustache Team @ HK Art Quiz
Oct/3/2013 HK Contemporary Art Award
Nov/30/2012 West Kowloon Cultural District
黃國才 x 西九自由野Freespace Fest-世界裡的唯一自由是你選擇去想甚麼
July/19/2012 Art Discovery Channel
This is an interview with Mr. Kacey Wong about the collaboration of HKADC and M+ on the Hong Kong exhibition in the 55th Venice Biennale in 2013.
April/28/2010 Best Artist Award 2009
Aug/25/2009 Dienstag
Subvision Off-Kunst im Containerpark