Dr. Kacey Wong (1970) was born in Hong Kong. He studied architecture in Cornell University and received his Master of Fine Arts degree from Chelsea School of Art and Design and Doctor of Fine Arts Degree from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. He is the founding member of Art Citizens, Street Design Union, Umbrella Movement Art Preservation, and former curator & member of Para/Site Art Space. Also a former Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Design’s Environment and Interior Design Discipline. Currently he is an Examiner of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. His research investigates artist’s and designer’s role in social political causes. Wong’s experimental art project investigates the space between men and their living environment with a social intention. He thinks being an artist is similar to being a detective, the case on hand is to investigate the self. His mobile tricycle project ‘Wandering Homes’ was featured at the 2008 Venice Architectural Biennale in Italy. Kacey participated in many large scales protest using props and cosplay, when the Chinese Communist Party clamp down on Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement, public protest become increasingly dangerous, he then concentrates using his body on disguise and roleplay. In pursuit for 100% freedom of artistic expression, Kacey bid farewell to Hong Kong on 2021 and ventured in self-exile to Taiwan, his art studio is now established in Taichung.

His floating house ‘Paddling Home’ was performed on Hong Kong Victoria Harbour and his mobile bunk bed ‘Sleepwalker’ was the star features during the 2010 and 2012’s Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism \ Architecture exhibition. Wong’s political artworks such as 'Kidnap', ‘The Real Cultural Bureau’, ‘Attack of the Red Giant’, ‘Hong Kongese Warning Squad’ exhibited during annual Hong Kong July 1st protest were featured by the media both local and internationally, successfully linking art and politics and expanded alternative art practice at the sites of protest. He received Rising Artist Award and Outstanding Arts Education Award given by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2003, Best Artist Award in 2010 and was the winner of 2012 HK Contemporary Arts Award given by Hong Kong Museum of Art.

黃國才Kacey Wong的藝術作品探討人與社會及政治生活空間的關係,手法多元包括雕塑、裝置、攝影及行為藝術。在香港「孫中山史蹟徑」可以看到Kacey向楊衢雲致敬及紀念孫中山作為「四大寇」一員的永久室外雕塑。2010 年獲香港藝術發展局年度藝術家獎,2003年香港藝術新進獎及優秀藝術教育獎。其曾經在香港維多利亞港漂浮的「漂流教室」船屋及「遊離都市」攝影系列為香港M+博物館永久收藏,其「流浪家居」一人居所三輪車屋,及「夢遊號」均為香港藝術館私人收藏。過去十年致力把藝術創作與社運連結推廣政治藝術的可能性,為社會帶來正面的轉化與創新。初期帶著大型道具上街參與香港各種示威遊行,隨著中共對香港政治鉗制遊行示威變得越來越危險,其後期作品多運用身體偽裝與角色扮演。 2021年Kacey追求100%的藝術表達自由告別香港,自我流亡到台灣並在台中設立藝術工作室。
